Wednesday, November 21, 2018



        Wine is a type of alcoholic drink made from grape or other fermented fruits Without sugar, acids, enzymes, water or other nutrients. each of the wine will have different flavors and color, It depend on Grape varieties,Weather,Soil and other Factors.

         Wine is the First drinks in the world cause of discover evidence of wine making from 3,700 years ago. In Southern Israel is the first place discover wine around 500 gallons OR 3,000 bottles of wine.



  1. I love wine. and I come from a country with a lot of different wines, but I have to correct you. Beer was probably the first alcoholic drink as chemical analysis of clay jars have shown that it was produced as far as 7000 years ago. On a different note, however, do you know of any place in Chiang Mai where I could but good Shiraz or Cabernet? I will graduate soon so I want to celebrate in style :)

  2. Yes, I LOVE WINE TOO. I'm sorry to find the wrong information. Thanks for telling me the right information.
